Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Flag Football

Some students here at Louise A. Spencer are talking about school sports. We do indeed have a sports team but that is not the main problem. The main problem is we only have a basketball team and all of the students don't like basketball. So, students have been talking about the possibility of having a flag football team. Of course people like basketball, but why should that be the only sports team that we have? There should be a variety of sports to choose from.

Some students are so excited about this possibility that they have already set some possible requirements. Those possible requirements are as follows: 1) You must be in at least grade 6 to participate; 2) You must maintain at least a B-, or a 2.85 grade point average to be academically eligible to participate; 3) You must also get a recommendation from all of your core academic teachers stating your academic excellence, your behavioral demonstration, and whether they would recommend you to participate.

The students of Louise A. Spencer are eager to hear your opinions about their suggestion. So, do you agree with idea and the requirements?